No. Title Date
1 Brief outline of Zend grammar compared with Sanskrit for the use of students
2 Gramara Malagasy, hianarana ny fototry ny teny sy ny fandaharana azy. Ho any ny mpianatra amy ny sekoly. Tontaina faharoa
3 Método teórico-practico y compendiado; para aprender, en brevísimo tiempo, el lenguage tagálog, por Julius Miles
4 Grammar and vocabulary of the K̲h̲owâr dialect (Chitrâli) : with introductory sketch of country and people
5 Grammaire de la langue abyssine (amharique)
6 Manual of the Maru language, including a vocabulary of over 1000 words
7 Manual of the Maru language, including a vocabulary of over 1000 words
8 Lecciones de gramática hispano-tagala
9 Prakritarupavatara : a Prakrit grammar based on the Valmikisutra by Simharaja, son of Samudrabandhayajvan
10 Guide to the study of Shan
11 Deutsche Fibel für Samoaner
12 Suggestions for a grammar of "Bangala", the "lingua franca" of the Upper Congo, with dictionary
13 Burmese grammar
14 First lessons in Lonkundo
15 白話文文法綱要
16 Elementary Zulu : a course of easy elementary lessons in the Zulu language
17 Grammaire amarigna : par un missionnaire lazariste
18 Prakrit Dhātv-ādēśas : according to the western and the eastern schools of Prakrit grammarians
19 [Burmese work on Pali grammar prepared for exam papers]
20 Bod kyi brdaʼ sprod pa Sum cu pa daṅ Rtags kyi ʼjug paʼi mchan ʼgrel mdor bsdus te brjod pa ṅo mtshar ʼphrul gyi lde mig : ces bya ba bźugs so = Sum-chu-pa and Rtags-kyi-hjug-pa