No. Title Date
1 Administrative Code of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu : containing a compilation of the acts of the former Legislative Council, together with department executive orders organizing and delimiting municipal districts, and circulars issued by the department governor
2 American rubber planting enterprise in the Philippines, 1900-1930, with a bibliography
3 An mahal na evangelio sa macatanos ay an marháy na barétà nin cagurangnán tang Jesucristo, cuyog qui San Lucas : quinuá sa manḡa irí-iribáng sinalin sa caenot-enotang sinurat asín isinuboc sa original na tataramong griego
4 Ang anim na panahúnan ng mga pangbadyáng tagalog
5 Ang yaman nḡ wikang tagalog
6 Anó ang iklilat at anó ang kaugnayán nitó sa suliranin ng wikang tagalog
7 Skip Navigation Links.
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Batangas y su provincia
10 Bridge in Jolo
11 Britishers in Manila 19th century
12 Britishers in Manila 19th century
13 Captain Herman Leopold Schück with his wife, Sophia Wilhelemina Honstein Schück, and their daughter Martha
14 Catecismo de la doctrina Cristiana, en idioma Bicol.
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Colonel Draper's answer, to the Spanish arguments, claiming the galeon, and refusing payment of the ransom bills, for preserving Manila from pillage and destruction: In a letter addressed to the Earl of Halifax, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Southern Department.
17 Colonización de Filipinas : inmigración peninsular
18 Compendio de la arte de la lengua tagala
19 Condition in Philippine Islands : Report of the Special Mission to the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of War
20 Coronation of Kiram (on horse) : Maimbung, Sulu