No. Title Date
1 Babylonian legends of the Creation and the fight between Bel and the dragon, as told by Assyrian tablets fron Nineveh
2 Book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland
3 Gospel of Matthew revised and corrected to correspond with the Revised versions, Greek and English, and otherwise emended; with notes explanatory of the changes made
4 John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" in Amharic
5 Kissa cha Baba Abdala Kipofu (MS 380060a)
6 Koe gahi febale a' Isobe : koe hiki ki he lea fakatoga 'e he faifekau ko misa moulitoni mo tevita toga koe tiuta 'i he koliji ko tubou
7 Skip Navigation Links.
8 Miscellaneous published books (PP MS 20-6a)
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 The Nasr-i-Benazir, or the incomparable prose of Mīr Ḥasan
11 Pĕrjalanan orang mĕnchari slamat.
12 Pŭrjalanan orang mŭnchari slamat, deripada nŭgri yang fana ka'nŭgri yang baka
13 'Rev. Evans and Randzavola translating Hasting's bible dictionary'
14 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Te toka n Aberika ae batabata : te kaotioti are konaki ni karaoaki irouia roroña ma rorobuaka ni kaoti b'ai tabeua mani maiuni Khama
17 Skip Navigation Links.
18 Wakristo Hodari : (MS 380520)
19 מקבת
20 চাহারদারবেশ