No. Title Date
1 Administrative Code of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu : containing a compilation of the acts of the former Legislative Council, together with department executive orders organizing and delimiting municipal districts, and circulars issued by the department governor
2 Albay Gulf from Mayon
3 Albay Gulf from Mayon
4 An mahal na evangelio sa macatanos ay an marháy na barétà nin cagurangnán tang Jesucristo, cuyog qui San Lucas : quinuá sa manḡa irí-iribáng sinalin sa caenot-enotang sinurat asín isinuboc sa original na tataramong griego
5 Ang anim na panahúnan ng mga pangbadyáng tagalog
6 Ang yaman nḡ wikang tagalog
7 Anó ang iklilat at anó ang kaugnayán nitó sa suliranin ng wikang tagalog
8 Bauane, the D.R.
9 Bed of lava river on Mayon
10 Below bukos, repairing a [stone] wall
11 Britishers in Manila 19th century
12 Britishers in Manila 19th century
13 C. Kalan commanda[illegible]ia
14 Catecismo de la doctrina Cristiana, en idioma Bicol.
15 Col. Fort, Shamrock [illegible], Cebu, June 1928
16 Colonel Draper's answer, to the Spanish arguments, claiming the galeon, and refusing payment of the ransom bills, for preserving Manila from pillage and destruction: In a letter addressed to the Earl of Halifax, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Southern Department.
17 Colonización de Filipinas : inmigración peninsular
18 Compendio de la arte de la lengua tagala
19 Composite boat, north coast of Siasi
20 Condition in Philippine Islands : Report of the Special Mission to the Philippine Islands to the Secretary of War