No. Title Date
1 African-language glossary for cataloguers
2 Burmese grammar
3 Skip Navigation Links.
4 Glossary (MS 210010c)
5 Notebooks of William Dawes (MS 41645 c & d) : short vocabularies of the language of Indigenous peoples of Van Diemen's Land, collected by the officers of the French frigates La Recherche and L'Espérance in 1793
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 Notebooks of William Dawes (Volume B: MS 41645b)
8 On the Tirahi language
9 Particularum exempla
10 Sehemu za nyumba za Kiamu (MS 380554d)
11 Short glossaries of Indo-Chinese languages. (B), Romanized Thai (Laos and Tonkin) (including subordinate languages)
12 Short glossary of Burmese
13 Swahili language material and list of authors (PP MS 20-8a)
14 Swahili Notes and Glosses (MS 47796a)
15 Swahili Verses (MS 47768a)
16 Swahili Word list (MS 53509a)
17 Swahili Words List (MS 380021a)
18 Taylor’s diary and Swahili proverbs. Muyaka poems : MS 47757a
19 Vocabulaire océanien-franc̜ais et franc̜ais-océanien des dialects parlés aux îles Marquises, Sandwich, Gambier, etc. d'après les documens recueillis sur les lieux, par les missionnaires catholiques et les ministres protestans, et particuliérement d'après les manuscrits du r. p. Mathis, auteur des lettres sur L'Océanie
20 Vocabularies : English, German, Magyar, Serbian, Bulgarian, Roumanian, Greek, Turkish