No. Title Date
1 Album of Paintings of Insects : Moths
2 洋國進寶春牛圖
3 Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo
4 Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo
5 Chinese emigration : The Cuba Commission : Report of the commission sent by China to ascertain the condition of Chinese coolies in Cuba
6 Papers relating to the affairs of China : (in continuation of papers presented to Parliament in March 1863)
7 Chinese emigration : The Cuba Commission : Report of the commission sent by China to ascertain the condition of Chinese coolies in Cuba
8 St. Mary's Church, Chefoo, 26th October 1898
9 Wenchow, China. 1900
10 Treaties between the empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc.
11 Chien ware
12 Tibetan primer
13 Amara-Ṭīkā-Kāmadhenuḥ : the Tibetan Version of Amara-Ṭīkā-Kāmadhenu, a Buddhist Sanskrit commentary on the Amarakoṣa
14 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
15 Bilingual index of Nyāya-bindu
16 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
17 China
18 大風集 : 陳萬里攝影作品集之一
19 Observations on the social life of a North China village (Jian ying, wu jing xian)
20 Le poète tibétain Milarépa : ses crimes, ses épreuves, son Nirvāna