No. Title Date
1 Buddhistische triglotte, d.h., Sanskrit-Tibetisch-Mongolisches Wörterverzeichniss
2 A brief summary of mdo bskal bzang : the sutra on the glorious age
3 Kion ela kako
4 Tibetan translation of the Nyayabindu of Dharmakirti with commentary of Vinitadeva
5 Tibetan translation of the Nyayabindu of Dharmakirti with commentary of Vinitadeva
6 Tibetan translation of the Nyayabindu of Dharmakirti with commentary of Vinitadeva
7 Amara-Ṭīkā-Kāmadhenuḥ : the Tibetan Version of Amara-Ṭīkā-Kāmadhenu, a Buddhist Sanskrit commentary on the Amarakoṣa
8 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
9 Tibetan second book
10 Bilingual index of Nyāya-bindu
11 MGur-hbum; or, Songs of Mi-la-ras-pa : selections on Khyi-ra-wa-mgon-po-rdo-rje and Kho-khom-rgyal-pos-mchod-pa
12 Abhisamayālaṅkāra-prajnaparamita-upadesa-sastra : the work of Bodhisattva Maitreya
13 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pahi sñin po
14 Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pahi sñin po
15 Bdud dul dbaṅ drag Rdo rje gro lod kyi chos skor