No. Title Date
1 Grammatik der Dajak-Sprache
2 Gramara Malagasy, hianarana ny fototry ny teny sy ny fandaharana azy. Ho any ny mpianatra amy ny sekoly. Tontaina faharoa
3 A practical key to the Canarese language
4 Catechism of Tamil grammar no. II
5 Elementary Zulu : a course of easy elementary lessons in the Zulu language
6 Tibetan grammar, no. IV
7 Prakrit Dhātv-ādēśas : according to the western and the eastern schools of Prakrit grammarians
8 A Tentative grammar of the Efe or Mbuti language : the reputed language of the Pygmies of the Ituri Forest, Belgian Congo
9 "把"字句和"被"字句
10 Bod kyi brdaʼ sprod pa Sum cu pa daṅ Rtags kyi ʼjug paʼi mchan ʼgrel mdor bsdus te brjod pa ṅo mtshar ʼphrul gyi lde mig : ces bya ba bźugs so = Sum-chu-pa and Rtags-kyi-hjug-pa
11 Bod kyi brdaʼ sprod pa Sum cu pa daṅ Rtags kyi ʼjug paʼi mchan ʼgrel mdor bsdus te brjod pa ṅo mtshar ʼphrul gyi lde mig : ces bya ba bźugs so = Sum-chu-pa and Rtags-kyi-hjug-pa
12 Essentials of Chinyanja : a tabular display of those portions of Chinyanja grammar which must be thoroughly mastered by a beginner
13 ديباچۀ برهان قاطع
14 字法舉一歌
15 字法舉一歌
16 字法舉一歌
17 字法舉一歌
18 Efe (Mbuti): Grammar notes on verbs and tenses
19 現代チベット語文法 (ラサ方言)
20 ससद्धहेमचन्द्रासिधानास्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासन लघुवृसि