No. Title Date
1 After many days : the story of a Zenana convert
2 An mahal na evangelio sa macatanos ay an marháy na barétà nin cagurangnán tang Jesucristo, cuyog qui San Lucas : quinuá sa manḡa irí-iribáng sinalin sa caenot-enotang sinurat asín isinuboc sa original na tataramong griego
3 Bible nsọ, nke nānagide Testament Ochie na Testament Ọhu : n'asusu Ibo
4 Book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland
5 Djamita na denggan na ni soeratkon ni si Markus : het Evangelie van Markus in het Angkolaisch
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 Efe (Mbuti): Chapters 8 - 16 of the Gospel of Mark in Efe
8 Efe (Mbuti): Grammar notes on verbs and tenses
9 The epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude, translated into the Mpongwe language
10 Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas complectens
11 The first seven chapters of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, in Nupe
12 The Gospel according to St. Luke : translated out of the original Greek into Batta (Angkola-Mandailing) the language of the Southern Batta in the island of Sumatra
13 Gospel of Matthew revised and corrected to correspond with the Revised versions, Greek and English, and otherwise emended; with notes explanatory of the changes made
14 Group of Malagasy mission workers
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Hidden ministry or within the Zenana
17 Hindu Zenana worker tells her story
18 Houana mbohi nekin konara sumba Yesu Krisito faka Luka msiue
19 Iesu Kristo i buakoia aomata : e katauraoaki iroua Misi Itiman ma nai misi
20 Irairagei ai anidobo ana kaua