No. Title Date
1 Affinity of Pyu to Tibeto-Burman languages
2 Burmese face of the Myazedi pillars, Pagan
3 Skip Navigation Links.
4 List of words of which LI-SO and LO-LO equivalents are required
5 Maru
6 Preface [to a volume on epigraphy in Burma]
7 [Chapter 46 (partial) on ancient Burmese history]
8 [From an official report by Taw Sein Ko on Burmese epigraphy]
9 [Letter from Chas. Duroiselle, Office of Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma to C.O. Blagden, 12 February 17]
10 [List of Taungtha words as spoken in the Pauk and Gangaw subdivisions of the Pakokku District]
11 [Official letter from Chas. Duroiselle of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay, to C.O. Blagdgen, 14th August, 1915]
12 [Official letter from Chas. Duroiselle of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay, to C.O. Blagdgen, 5 April 1916]
13 [Official letter from Chas. Duroiselle, Office of Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma to C.O. Blagden, 17th April 1916]
14 [Official letter from Mya Maung, Office of Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Burma to Deputy Accountant General, 13th February 1934]
15 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Examiner in Chinese, Burma, … 6th September 1910]
16 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay to C.O. Blagdgen, 17 July 1919]
17 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay to C.O. Blagdgen, 23rd May 1915]
18 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay to C.O. Blagdgen, 23rd May 1915]
19 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay to C.O. Blagdgen, 26th June 1915]
20 [Official letter from Taw Sein Ko of the Office of Supdt. Archaeological Survey, Burma, Mandalay to C.O. Blagdgen, 27th September 1915]