No. Title Date
1 "Liberty!" versus liberty : some remarks on a South African petition
2 11 - Officers' Group Meeting, Durban, South Africa, 18-23 Jun 2011 [unsigned]
3 Album regarding Wesleyan Methodist Missionary centenary in 1913
4 Black man and the war
5 Crowd gathers to hear Solomon T. Plaatje speak in the South African countryside
6 Cupido, Hottentot Evangelist
7 Skip Navigation Links.
8 Elementary Zulu : a course of easy elementary lessons in the Zulu language
9 Elizabeth Williams (1788-1879), nee Elizabeth Rogers, later Elizabeth Robson, wife of Joseph Williams (1780-1818)
10 Extracts from the journal of William Milne, from Cape Town to Canton, including stay at Macao, 13 December 1812 - 26 January 1814
11 George Christie (1802-1870)
12 Gottlob Schreiner (1814-1876)
13 Henry Calderwood (b.1809)
14 Holloway Helmore (1815-1860)
15 Indent from J. Dickinson & Co. to Silas Molema for the second instalment of machinery, dated 189 February 1902, Mafeking
16 Inncwadi Yezifundo : ibalelwe izikole zebandhla las' England ezis'ezweni las'e Natal
17 Inncwadi Yezifundo : ibalelwe izikole zebandhla las' England ezis'ezweni las'e Natal
18 Introduction to the Afrikaans language
19 James Good
20 James Read (1811-1894)