INDEX II In the following Index the names of authors of works described in the Catalogue are printed in Clarendon type, which is also used to indicate the more important of several references to the same name; and the names of copyists are distinguished by means of an asterisk. Titles of books are printed in italics. The alphabetical arrangement takes no account of Ab ("Father of...") or Ibn ("Son of..."), or of the definite article al, so that names like Ab Sa'd, Ibn Khallikn, al-Majs, must be sought under the letter which follows the prefix. A bdiyn, Persian dynasty, 251 'Abbs I the Great, Shh, 16, 40, 96, 102, 112, 113, 208, 260 'Abbs II, Shh, 100 'Abbs Efendi. See 'Abdu'l-Bah 'Abbs Mrz, son of Fat-'Al Shh, 118 'Abbs-qul Khn, Mrz, the Nawwb, 57 'Abbs-qul, son of Muammad Taq Lisnu'l- Mulk, 133 Ibn 'Abdn al-Ahwz, 170 'Abd, q, 31 *'Abd ibn Nab (?), 228 Ab 'Abdi'llh al-Magrib, 200 'Abdu'llh Anr of Hert, Shaykh, 30, 41, 202. See Anr 'Abdu'llh ibn Muammad, Shaykh, 14 'Abdu'llh ibn Muammad Zamn, 37 'Abdu'llh ibn Nri'd-Dn ibn Ni'mati'llh, Sayyid, 125 'Abdu'llh ibn hir, 289 'Abdu'l-Aad of Zanjn, 65, 82, 83, 84 'Abdu'l-'Al, Mrz, son of Farhd Mrz, 116 'Abdu'l-'Al, son of ub-i-Azal, 82, 83, 84 *'Abdu'l-'Azz ibn Sa'd [ibn] al-jj Amad an- Najjr, 15 'Abdu'l-Bah, 'Abbs Efendi, 53, 66, 67, 69, 78, 7981, 82, 8487, 287 *'Abdu'l-Fatt Yzij, Darwsh, 273 'Abdu'l-Ghaffr, the Bah', 84 'Abdu'l-Ghan, Mrz, of Tafrsh, 254 'Abdu'l-Ghan an-Nbulus, 215 'Abdu'l-amd, Suln, 283 'Abdu'l-usayn Khn, jj Mrz, Wadu'l-Mulk, of Kshn, 89, 240 'Abdu'l-usayn Khn, Mrz, of Kirmn, 250. See q Khn, Mrz, of Kirmn 'Abdu'l-Laf, translator, 174 'Abdu'l-Laf al-'Abbs of Gujrt, 211 'Abdu'l-Majd, Suln, 250 'Abdu'l-Majd ibn Firishta 'Izzu'd-Dn, 47. See Firishta-zda and Firishta-oghlu 'Abdu'l-Malik, Khwja, 256 'Abdu'l-Mu'min ibn afiyyi'd-Dn...ibn Qbs ibn Washmgr, 204 'Abdu'l-Muqtadir, Khn ib Mawlaw, 142 'Abdu'l-Qdir-i-Gln, Shaykh, 244 *'Abdu'l-Qdir ibn Muammad al-'Af, 215 *'Abdu'l-Qdir ibn 'Umar, 211 'Abdu'r-Ram ibn 'Abdi'r-Ramn al- Qhir al-'Abbs, 211 *'Abdu'r-Ram ibn Muammad Niysar (Niys- tar), 279 'Abdu'r-Ram ibn Muammad Ynus of Dam- wand, 203 'Abdu'r-Ramn III, 141 'Abdu'r-Ramn Efendi, 243, 255 'Abdu'r-Ramn ibn Nar...ash-Shrz, 287 'Abdu'r-Ramn an-Nujm, 9 'Abdu'r-Rashd ibn 'Abdi'l-Ghafr al-u- sayn al-Madan al-Tataw, 209 'Abdu'r-Razzq-i-Ifahn, 255 'Abdu's-Salm ibn Ibrhm al-Laqn, 7 'Abdu'l-Wahhb, Mrz, entitled Mu'tamadu'd- Dawla, 247. See Nash 'Abdu'l-Wahhb of Chahr Mall, 102 'Abdu'l-Wahhb Munsh, Mrz, 62 'Abdu'l-Wid ibn Muammad ibn 'Abdi'l- Wid al-mid at-Tamm, 11 'Abdu'l-Wsi'-i-Jabal, 255 'Abd ibnu'l-Abra, 289 btn, 251 Achaemenians, the, 251 Adbu'l-Mamlik, 137 fq wa-Anfus, by Suln Walad, 196