PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. This little work is intended for the use of Travellers and those who are likely to become resident in Singapore. It has no pretensions whatever, beyond those of affording an easy mode of reference to such words and sentences as are likely to be required in daily dealings with servants and others, although, at the same time, words will be found in the second column of the Vocabulary which will doubtless serve as an aid to those who are desirous of acquiring a proper know- ledge of Malay. In many instances, English equivalents cannot be found for Malay sounds, but the pronunciation given will, it is hoped, be found sufficiently correct to enable the Traveller to make himself understood; this is all that is aimed at. The blank column on every second page is intended for the record of any word or sentence which the Traveller or Newcomer may hear and which he may wish to note down for his future guidance. The chief feature of the work is, that it gives, in the third column, the approximate pronunciation of the Malay wordsan arrangement which it is believed no other Malay book published in the Colony possesses. The typical arrangement is that which is adopted in books of a similar character published in England for the use of Travellers on the Continent of Europe. Singapore, November, 1886.