INDEX. The words printed in large type refer to the subject matter. page Abdomen ............... 36 Above ..................... 236 Account, bill............ 236 Across, athwart......... 236 Add up, To ............ 246 Advance, an (of money) ............... 236 Africa .................. 64 Afternoon ............... 8 Ague ..................... 42 Ailments of the Body .................. 42 Air, The ............... 16 Alive ..................... 150 Alligator ............... 54 Almond .................. 84 Always .................. 8 America .................. 64 Anchor ............18, 24, 26 Anchorage ............. 18 Anger .................... 42 Animal .................. 16 Animals, Of ........... 50 Ankle ................... 34 Ant...............60, 100, 150 Ant hill .................. 150 Anvil ...............72, 100 Apron (carriage) ...... 114 Arabia .................. 64 Arm ...................... 34 Armpit .................. 34 Arrack .................. 88 page Arrange goods, To.... 246 Arrow ........................................74 Ashore ....................................24 As long as ..............................8 Ass ................................................52 Assessment (Munici- pal) ...................................96 Asthma ....................................42 At first........................................8 At once ..........................8 Attorney-General ________68 Auction, The ....................102 Auctioneer ..........................104 Auction rooms....................104 Aunt ..........................................30 Australia ..............................64 Awning ....................................18 Axe ..............................................72 Baby ..................... 28 Bachelor ................ 28 Back, The ............... 36 Bail (surety) ............ 240 Bait ...................... 20 Baker .................... 48 Baker's shop ............ 90 Balance (of purchase money) ............... 104 Bald ..................... 3 Bale out, To............ 24 Bale (package) ......... 238