INDEX. The pronunciation of Pali words is exceedingly easy. The vowels have always the same sound as in Italian or German (except that unaccented short a is pronounced as u in hut), and the consonants the same as in English (except that c = ch, fi = ny, and i) = ng). The dotted t, tj, n, are the same as in English; hut the simple d, t, n, are pure dentals,that is, they are pronounced with the tongue against the teeth. The accent is always on the long syllable. For further details, see my manual, Buddhism, p. v. Abhidhamma, does not mean metaphysics, 49. Acosta, Jesuit father, hie expla- nation of Mexican ritual, 3. Addhariya Brahmans, 57. Adi-brahmacariyal|, 35. Agnostic, Gotama not an, 90, Alger's "Future Life," 79, 248. " Alice in Wonderland" quoted, 101. Amata, name of Nirvana, 137. Ananda, the beloved disciple, 180. Anatta-safifia, 208. Anicea-safifia, 208. Anguttaia Nikaya, 4547. Animism, 13, 30, 74, 146. De- tails of, as condemned in Bud- dhism, 67, 68. Aparamattha, untarnished (vir- tue), 102. Arahatship, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107, 121, 137, 207, 254. Arnold, Edwin, his "Light of "Asia," 140. Aryan races, early beliefs of, 13. Did not include transmigra- tion, 74. Asoka's Edicts, 3. Assalayana Sutta summarized, 5155. Atharva Veda, use of, 15. Attavada, 208. Bavari, an aged Brahman, 171 173. Beal, Eev. Samuel, 112,200, 204. Bhapdagama, a village, 99. Bharadvaja, a Brahman, 5659. Bigandet, Bishop, quoted, 150. Brahma = God, 58, 64, 138.