No. Title Date
1 An accoustic analysis of the vowels of Khorchin Mongolian
2 Beasts, men and gods
3 Customary law of the Mongol tribes (Mongols, Buriats, Kalmucks) : part I-III
4 Geschichte der Ost-Mongolen und ihres Fürstenhauses
5 Issues in Khorchin Mongolian orthography development
6 Issues in Khorchin Mongolian phonology
7 The Mongols : a history
8 The Mongols in Russia
9 My life in Siberia and Mongolia : from the great wall of China to the Ural Mountains
10 Old Tartar trails
11 A tour in Mongolia
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 Skip Navigation Links.
14 With the Russians in Mongolia
15 Грамматика письменно-Монгольского языка
16 中華民國光復蒙古水陸交戰圖
17 Skip Navigation Links.