No. Title Date
1 An abstract of the early records of the Foreign Department : Part 1, 1756-1762
2 An abstract of the early records of the Foreign Department
3 Papers relating to the Chinese Maritime Customs 1860-1943
4 Class one for Sheikh Usman Bin Fodio R.A.
5 Class two for Sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio R.A.
6 Class three for Amirul Muminina M. Bello Bin Sheikh Usman Bin Fodio R.A.
7 Class four
8 盛京內務府順治年間檔冊 : 舊盛京內務府檔案房原本
9 Papers relating to the Chinese Maritime Customs 1860-1943
10 A guide to the papers of John Swire and Sons Ltd
11 Note on Hardyman Madagascar Collection
12 Note on Hardyman Madagascar Collection
13 Life and afterlife of David Livingstone
14 Interview with Iman Ezzeddine