No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
2 Anglo-Chinese College
3 Skip Navigation Links.
4 Skip Navigation Links.
5 Arabic du'a with notes in an unidentified language
6 Borneo : report for the year 1888 on the Territory of the British North Borneo Company
7 Brief daily record by W.C. Cowie, (managing director of the British North Borneo Company), of matters in connection with his recent mission to Borneo
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Capital controls and the current financial crisis : revisiting the Malaysian experience
10 Churches of the captivity in Malaya
11 Copies of the inscriptions on royal seals from Perak belonging to Raja Muda Musa bin Sultan Jafar (2 seals, one dated AH 1316/AD 1898-9) and to Raja di Hilir Abdul Jalil bin Sultan Idris (4 seals)
12 Dajacksch-deutsches Wörterbuch : bearbeitet und herausgegeben im Auftrage und auf Kosten der Niederländischen Bibelgesellschaft
13 Devotions in Arabic with Malay instructions
14 Diagram with notes in Javanese
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Disposal of Robert Morrison's Chinese Library
17 Dissent by the President, the Vice-President and Sir John Hewett from the Report of the Majority
18 Easy English vocabulary with (colloquial) Malay equivalents for use in a private school at Kota Bharu
19 Eleventh report of the Anglo-Chinese College; for the year 1835
20 Exercises in Malay manuscript reading, with key in romanised Malay