No. Title Date
1 Suaheli-schriftstücke in arabischer schrift, mit lateinischer schrift umschrieben übersetzt und erklärt
2 The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the psalter or psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests, and deacons
3 Suggestions pour une grammaire du "bangala" (la "lingua franca" du Haut Congo) et un vocabulaire français-bangala-swahili, avec beaucoup de phrases dans ces trois langues
4 Guide to Swahili examinations
5 Lapwony me Kiswahili
6 Kitabu cha maarifa ya Bibilia : Chatolewa kwa amri ya huyo general
7 Maelezo ya habari za Biblia : Yawe msaada wa wenye kushika Mafundisho ya Kikristo
8 Suaheli-schriftstücke in arabischer schrift, mit lateinischer schrift umschrieben übersetzt und erklärt
9 Aids to the study of ki-swahili : four studies compiled and annotated
10 Two Religious Tendi-untitled and Kisa cha Watu wa Lamu (MS 308)
11 Historical Poem about Pate, Lamu, and Siu (MS 327)
12 Desturi za Waswahili (PP MS 20-4a)
13 Technical Swahili Word Lists (PP MS 20-5a)
14 Miscellaneous published books (PP MS 20-6a)
15 Swahili language material and list of authors (PP MS 20-8a)
16 Britain-Tanzania Society (PP MS 20-5b)
17 Shamsu Dhahira al-Dhahiya (MS 196884a)
18 Historical Notes on the Busaidi, Nabhany, and Mazrui, and Utumbuizo wa Liyongo, and two Religious Tendi (MS 309)
19 Religious Utendi (MS 310)
20 Arabic Grammar and Maulidi (MS 312)