No. Title Date
1 Mohammedan saints and sanctuaries in Palestine
2 Mohammedan saints and sanctuaries in Palestine
3 Wakristo Hodari : (MS 380520)
4 Pañcasakhā, Orissan School, 18th Century (Acquisition Number 44, back)
5 Pañcasakhā, Orissan School, 18th Century (Acquisition Number 44, back)
6 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
7 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
8 Deoria Baba appearing on the platform of his hut to give darśan and instructions to those who have come to see him
9 Deoria Baba appearing on the platform of his hut to give darśan and instructions to those who have come to see him
10 Deoria Baba's hut erected on the east bank of the Yamuna
11 Distribution of prasād (batāsā) by one of Deoria Baba's disciples
12 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan
13 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan
14 People sat in front of Deoria Baba's hut waiting for darśan
15 Samādhis of various saints and gṛhastabhaktas at Rādhādāmodar temple
16 داستان احوال حواريان
17 Samādhis of various saints and gṛhastabhaktas at Rādhādāmodar temple
18 Mani Rimdu at Thami - Dancer representing Raja Dorje Tolo
19 Mani Rimdu at Thami - Dancer representing Raja Dorje Tolo
20 Mani Rimdu at Thami - Dancer representing Raja Dorje Tolo