No. Title Date
1 Letter from James Legge, 27 February 1841, Malacca
2 Buddhistische triglotte, d.h., Sanskrit-Tibetisch-Mongolisches Wörterverzeichniss
3 Letter from Ernest John Eitel, 22 January 1869, Canton
4 The Dîpavaṃsa : an ancient Buddhist historical record
5 The Dîpavaṃsa : an ancient Buddhist historical record
6 Buddhismus nach älteren Pâli-werken dargestellt
7 A brief summary of mdo bskal bzang : the sutra on the glorious age
8 Buddismo
9 Buddha
10 Буддийское искусство въ Индш
11 Śuddhikaumudī
12 Śuddhikaumudī
13 Śuddhikaumudī
14 Śuddhikaumudī
15 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism
16 Letter from Lesley Bayford dated 1909 September 14
17 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1912 February 2
18 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1916 November 15
19 Letter from Will Powell dated 1915 April 10
20 Letter from Walter Schiller dated 1916 November 21