No. Title Date
1 清眞齋拜日期表
2 Iwai Kumesaburō as Ohan , Ichikawa Yaozō as Chōemon, at Ichikawa Yaozō's farewell performance
3 洋國進寶春牛圖
4 天津大沽口
5 董大帥水陸埋伏轟西兵
6 天津北倉中西陸戰大勝
7 上海名妓十美圖
8 鬧新房
9 捉拿倭俄奸審問正法
10 Wenchow, China. 1900
11 慶賀新年圖
12 劉玄德三顧單廬戲劇
13 中華民國光復蒙古水陸交戰圖
14 五路財神春牛圖
15 黃金萬兩春牛圖
16 Map and history of Peiping : with explanatory booklet
17 Fan presented by Henry Puyi, the last Emperor of China, to his tutor Sir Reginald Johnston (MS 381195)
18 洪福齊天春牛圖
19 各國欽使進朝講和
20 南京得勝