No. Title Date
481 Translation of a letter from a Malagasy individual [Radalo] by David Jones, dated 19 September 1850
482 Iran or Persia drawn and engraved by John Dower published in London by Orr & Company (MCA/01/01/06/55)
483 Primer of the Haussa language
484 Persia, Arabia &c engraved by W Haviland published by H[enry] S[Schenk] Tanner, Thomas Cowperthwait & Co, Philadelphia (MCA/01/01/07/02)
485 Printed map of South Eastern Africa, annotated by David Livingstone
486 Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo
487 Jews at K'ae-Fung-Foo
488 Ground plan of the Mirzapore Mission premises
489 Declaration of Wesleyan Methodist officers and members on the state of the connexion
490 Chinese conversations
491 A grammar and vocabulary of the Yoruba language : compiled by Rev. Samuel Crowther, native missionary of the Church Missionary Society ; together with introductory remarks by O.E. Vidal ... Bishop of Sierra Leone.
492 Declaration of principles
493 Koempfer's Account of Japan
494 David Livingstone, manuscript map of ‘Journey thro’ Barotseland’
495 China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 30 May 1853; for, return "of property captured or detained by the combined forces in China, from the 25th day of August 1841, showing the actual amount of money in British sterling received, and in what manner disposed of; with the amount paid as batta, or on any other account, to the naval and military forces employed during the service"
496 Chinese immigration : return to an address of the Hon the House of Commons dated 19 August 1853, for "copies or extracts of despatches relating to Chinese immigrants recently introduced into the colonies of British Guiana and Trinidad"
497 Opium trade : including a sketch of its history, extent, effects, etc. as carried on in India and China
498 China during the war and since the peace, by Sir John Francis Davis...1852 : [review]
499 Mathias Alexander Castren, travels in the north containing a journey in Lapland in 1838; journey in russian Karelia in 1839; journey in Lapland, northern Russia, and Siberiam in 1841-44. Translated into German (from the Swedish), by Henrik Helms Leipzig, Avenarius and Medelsohn. 1853 : [review]
500 Vocabulary of the Engútuk Eloikŏb : or of the language of the Wakuafi-nation in the interior of Equatorial Africa