Miscellaneous poems (PP MS 42. S/28-S/30)

Material Information

Miscellaneous poems (PP MS 42. S/28-S/30)
Series Title:
Whiteley Collection : Swahili language and list of authors
Nassir, Ahmad ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
Handwritten and typescript manuscript : Some poems are typed and some handwritten with black ink; the pages are very thin and delicate


Subjects / Keywords:
Swahili poetry ( LCSH )
Modern poetry
Popular poetry
Kiswahili mashairi
Poetry ( LCSH )
Poetry, Modern ( LCSH )
Robert, Shaaban, 1909-1962 ( LCNA )
Poetry ( LCTGM )
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Kenya -- Mombasa County -- Eastern Africa -- Mombasa
-4.05466 x 39.66359


In envelope S/28 there is a large collection of modern poetry by the well known poet Ahmadi Nassir Juma, from Mombasa. The poems are mainly short mashairi, all presented here in typescripts. This MS seems to be a copy for publication as the author also includes an introduction (dibaji) to his poetry. S/29 contains a large collection of poetry by various poets from Tanzania, including praise poetry in honour of the famous poet Shaaban Robert, from Tanga. This collection is dated 1962 however this not the dating of each poem but the time when the poems reached the Tanganyika Broadcasting Corporation for assessment for publication. WH Whiteley was a member of the Corporation’s board. S/30 contains the same material as S/29 but all poems here are typed and better presented. Probably this was the final draft for publication. ( en )
General Note:
Date of Composition is unknown
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Languages: Swahili (Roman script)
General Note:
Dialects: KiMvita
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Poetic Form: Shairi
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Extent: 327 leaves
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Incipit: Utangulizi. Naanza Dibaji yangu, kwa kumshuku mwingi wa rehema na amani
General Note:
SOAS University of London manuscript S/30 is a more readable copy of the same material contained in S/29
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Nassir, Ahmad : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/17308450
General Note:
Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Kenya -- Mombasa County -- Mombasa
General Note:
Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Tanzania
General Note:
Publication information: Whiteley W H. 1958. The Dialect and Verse of Pemba: an introduction. East African Swahili Committee, Makerere College, Kampala.
General Note:
Publication information: Whiteley, W H. 1964. A Selection of African prose, Vol.1 Traditional oral texts, Vol.2 Written prose. Claredon Press, Oxford

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Archives and Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item may be in the public domain. Its status has yet to be assessed.
Resource Identifier:
PP MS 42. S/23-S/37 ( SOAS manuscript number )
PP MS 42. S/28-S/30 ( SOAS manuscript number )