Your search within this document for 'inland' resulted in two matching pages.
1 Page 107

“...OR, SAWS FROM SWAHILI-LAND. 35 Will Kisauni grow the casuarina ? Mvinde is the well-known feathery conifer Jthat grows so luxuriantly on the sandy beaches facing the open sea south of Mombasa. It is never found up the mangrove creeks. You can never get a seafaring man to take to inland life. Other versions of this proverb are : Ajabu Mvitfa kumea mvin^e; and, Ni ajabu Nyali, etc.; and Ni ajabu ya bara, etc. 157. Kitfema k'uni temat'o.1 If (you) cut firewood (in the bush), cut it well. Eccles. xi. 10. 158. K'itu ni futa la moyo: humpa umpencZae.2 A (tangible) thing is the oil of the heart: you give it to whom you love. Liberality is the expression of the heart's feel- ings. The present is expressed from the heart by the warmth of friendship, just as oil from the berry in the native process of extraction. 159. Kitushi ni p'umba ya uwongo: ukinipa la kweli £'akupa la uwongo.3 fame. The Kisauni beach may well have been the mooring- place of the shipping, the tide not running so strong...”
2 Page 287

“...quarrelling. 516. Udongo upatize uli maji (or, upate uli maji).1 Take advantage of the clay while it is wet (or, Get it while it is wet). Strike while the iron is hot, Make hay while the sun shines, etc. 517. Ugwe huk'atikia pembamba. A thong gets cut through at the narrow place. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. 518. Ujaonapi mnandi kujenga nyumba kntfwani? When have you ever seen a cormorant build its nest westwards ? On the cormorant's nest, pee § 443. West- wards would mean inland. Cp. the quotations in § 156. 519. Uji ukiwa wa moto haupozwi kwa n^'a ya ulimi. Gruel, when it is hot, is not cooled by the point of the tongue. 520. Ujile kuornoa mambo ukalala wa mnazi/ It has actually spoilt mattersthe sheath of a cocoanut-tree/ (Lit. It has come to spoil. . .) These withered sheaths or spathes are, of course, very common in the cocoanut-groves: their only use, beyond that of furnishing children with tpy-boats, would be for fire-brands or torchesin which case it is...”