Utendi wa Siraj na Waadhi wa Sh. Abdalla al-Husniy (MS 360)

Material Information

Utendi wa Siraj na Waadhi wa Sh. Abdalla al-Husniy (MS 360)
Series Title:
Allen Collection : Religious Tendi and Historical Notes
Kijuma, Muhammad ( Author, Primary )
Al-Husniy, Abdalla, Sheik ( contributor )
Kijuma, Muhammad ( contributor )
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
Handwritten manuscript : Handwritten copy in black ink


Subjects / Keywords:
Swahili poetry ( LCSH )
Islam ( LCSH )
Religious belief
Swahili customs
Imani za kidini
Kiswahili mashairi
Faith ( LCSH )
Swahili-speaking peoples -- Social life and customs ( LCSH )
Poetry ( LCTGM )
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
-9.633997 x 39.778998


This MS contains first a poem entitled ‘Siraj’ written by Muhammad Kijumwa, the famous poet and scribe from Lamu. The poet instructs his son Helewa about the proper social conduct to have with the community. Each stanza provide one advice. This is followed by fragments of the Waadhi, religious admonition, of Sheikh Abdalla al-Husniy. The complete version of the waadhi wan be found in MS 380766 (Yahya Collection). ( en )
General Note:
Biographical information: Muhammad Kijumwa was born circa 1855 in Lamu. He was a poet, scribe, peformer calligrapher, carpenter, tailor and sculptor who taught his son, Helewa, the craft of decorative woodcarving. He assisted many Eurpoean scholars of Swahili literature, including William Taylor, Alice Werner, Carl Meinhof, H.E. Lambert, William Hichens, Ernst Dammann and John Williamson, and was a well-known character in Lamu. -- Sh. Abdalla al-Husniy was born in Mombasa at the beginning of 1900 in a family that originated from Hadramaut. He studied Islamic teaching with Sh. Said bin Ahmed, a well-known religious scholar. Sh. Abdalla became a Sheikh at the Anisa Mosque where he tought for many years and where he was buried in 1955. -- He was known for organising the Maulidi celebration, in the Anisa mosque, that was attended by many people from the Coast. After the maulidi he used to composed his famous waadhi, of which this one is an example. Sh. Abdalla was Yahya Ali Omar’s religious teacher.
General Note:
Date of Composition: 1926, 1948 AD1344, 1368
General Note:
Languages: Swahili (Arabic script)
General Note:
Dialects: KiAmu
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Poetic Form: Utenzi
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Donated to SOAS in 1982
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Extent: 12 leaves
General Note:
Incipit: keti hapa sikuliwe- mimi sina illa wewe likupalo uyuwe-babangu
General Note:
For Waadhi see SOAS University of London manuscript MS 380766 (Yahya Collection)
General Note:
Other copy: SOAS University of London microfilm: SOAS University of London microfilm: M1008, reel 13
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Kijuma, Muhammad : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/43775563
General Note:
Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
General Note:
Scribe: Kijuma, Muhammad

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Archives and Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item may be in the public domain. Its status has yet to be assessed.
Resource Identifier:
MS 279888-Vol.8 ( SOAS manuscript number )
MS 360 ( SOAS manuscript number )