TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART IV.—STATEMENTS RECEIVED ON POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE QUESTIONS, AND COMMENTS THEREON. Chapter I.—Statements from Chinese Organisations Appendix XXI.—Information relating to Constitution and Rules of the Chinese Ratepayers' Association Appendix XXII.—Replies to Questionnaire issued by Chinese Ratepayers' Association. Views of Representatives of the Missionary le Settlement Chapter II Community in the Chapter III.—Regulation of Industrial Conditions ; ment by Committee of Women's Organisations State- Chapter IV.—Public Medical Society Public Health Department of the Settlement Provision of further Hospital Facilities for Chinese Cooperation between Public Health Departments Registration of Medical Practitioners and Pharmacists Page 1 12 14 20 24 30 Appendix XXIIT.—Extracts from Report of the Child Labour Commission, 1923-24 ............ Appendix XXIV.—Extracts from Article on " The Improve- ment of Domestic Industries " by Mr. Pan Kung-Chien, Commissioner of Social Affairs for the Chinese Municipality of Greater Shanghai .. .. . . .. . . .. 39 Appendix XXV.—Summary of Main Provisions of New Factories Law .. . . . . .. .. .. . . 42 Health: Statement of the Shanghai II. III. IV. Appendix XXVI.—Brief History of the Public Health Depart- ment of the Foreign Settlement Compiled by the Depart- ment Annexure A. Extract from Note on Plague and on the Plague Riots in Shanghai, 1910, by C. Noel Davis, Commissioner of Public Health, 1922-30 Appendix XXV.II.—Memorandum on Public Health Bye-Laws, 1910 by Mr. J. R. Jones, Deputy Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Council Appendix XXVIIT.—Extracts from Memorandum of Mission from the Health Organisation of the League of Nations, consisting of the Medical Director, Dr. L. Rajchman, and Dr. F. G. Boudreau, which visited China in November and December, 1929 ........ 45 47 51 53 54 55 57 59 62 Pars. 1-20 1-11 1-22 5-11 12-15 16-21 22