LETTER TO THE CHAIRMAN of the SHANGHAI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Shanghai, 15th June, 1931 Brig.-General E. B. Macnaghten, c.m.g., d.s.o., Chairman, Shanghai Municipal Council. Sir, I have the honour to present to the Council the second instalment of my Report, consisting of Parts IV and V. I had hoped also to include in the present instalment Part VI, which is to deal with the " External Roads Areas," but, as completion of Parts IV and V has already taken longer than I anticipated, it seems, in all the circumstances, undesirable to delay the presentation of these two Parts until Part VI has also been completed. I should, perhaps, add that the delay which has occm> red has been due solely to the fact that I was not able to get through the final stages of my work as quickly as I had hoped. Responsibility for the delay rests entirely with me, and not with the printers, who have shown com- mendable promptitude. I hope to be in a position to present Part VI very shortly. Part VII, which will deal with certain supple- mentary questions, will follow later. I do not anticipate that this last Part will be of any great length. I trust that readers of this Volume will be so good as to bear in mind what was said in my letter to you of the 23rd April, which appeared as a Preface to the first Volume,— both as to responsibility for the contents of my Report resting with no one but myself, and as to the attitude in which I would ask them to approach the study of the Report.