17 A List of the Illustrations The American Engineers in the Field Frontispiece Page Stairway Leading to Temple of Confucius, Peking . 22 Carved Stone Animals Lining the Road Leading to the Ming Tombs........26 Four Members of the Tsung-li Yamen and Mr. Conger in the Court-yard of the Yamen.....28 Yang-tze Kiang, between Han-yang and Wu-chang . 32 A Part of the City of Victoria, on the Island of Hongkong, at the Base of the Peak......38 The Last of Hu-nan ...... 47 Junks on the River Han with Hankow in the Distance . 55 A Group of Natives who Have Never Seen a Foreigner Before ......... 59 Another Group of Natives ... . 61 Coolies Waiting to be Employed as Carriers . 63 Coolie Carrying my Bedding . 64 A Yamen Runner . 65 The Procession ........ 72 Placard Bearers who Preceded the Procession to Announce Our Coming ........ 73 Chinese Soldiers who Formed Our Guard . .75 A Chinese Hsien Magistrate and His Red Umbrella, in- dicative of His Rank and Presence .... 77 Main Court-yard of the Governor's Yamen at Chang-sha . 85 River Gunboat........90 A Peculiar Custom by Chinese Women of Wearing Heat- ing-Baskets ........95 n