No. Title Date
141 Hadithi ya Mwizi na Kadhi (MS 193290a)
142 Utendi wa Kutawafu Nabii (PP MS 20-3e)
143 Desturi za Waswahili (PP MS 20-4a)
144 Story of the old Kerebe: traditional customs and mores (PP MS 20-7a)
145 Technical Swahili Word Lists (PP MS 20-5a)
146 Miscellaneous published books (PP MS 20-6a)
147 Swahili language material and list of authors (PP MS 20-8a)
148 Britain-Tanzania Society (PP MS 20-5b)
149 Miscellaneous Poetry (PP MS 20-3d)
150 Nyimbo (MS 193291b)
151 Utenzi wa Liyongo (MS 193291a)
152 Hadithi ya Maskini na Mtoto wake (MS 193290j)
153 Hadithi ya Vijana Viwili (MS 193290l)
154 Kisa cha Mwinda na Nyuni (MS 193290k)
155 Hadithi ya Mgala na Mwanawe (MS 193290m)
156 History of the Anankali people, Iramba, Tanganyika (MS 193292a)
157 Shamsu Dhahira al-Dhahiya (MS 196884a)
158 Liongo na Manga, and Other songs (MS 205000e)
159 Biography of Poets (MS 196884b)
160 Hadithi ya Liyongo (MS 205000d)