Birth of Christ

Birth of Christ  

Creator:  Musango, Francis ( Artist )
Musangoogwantamu ( contributor )
Musangoogwantamu ( contributor )
Publication Date: 1958
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Holding Location: Brunei Gallery
Donor: Gift.
Subject Keyword:  Jesus Christ
Yesu Kristo
Afrika -- Uganda -- Mkoa wa Kati -- Kampala -- Makerere
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Uganda -- Central Region -- Makerere -- Kampala
Birth of Christ
Jesu mesia i rotopu i te Tangata<br />( 2 volumes )
Jesu mesia i rotopu i te Tangata  

Creator: Eastman, G. H. (George Hubert), 1881-1974
Publication Date: 1916
Publisher: London Missionary Society. Rarotonga.
Type: Book
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Rarotongan language -- Texts
Rarotongan language
Jesus Christ
Spatial Coverage: Oceania -- Cook Islands -- Rarotonga Island
Language: Rarotongan
Jesu mesia i rotopu i te Tangata
( 2 volumes )
Letter from [a Chinese gentleman], 1845

Letter from [a Chinese gentleman], 1845  

Publication Date: 1845
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Missions
Translating and interpreting
Jesus Christ
Letter from [a Chinese gentleman], 1845
Myths and Legends of the Swahili (MS 316354a)

Myths and Legends of the Swahili (MS 316354a)  

Creator: Knappert, Jan ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date: [n.d.]
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Folk literature
Oral tradition in literature
Swahili language
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
Genre:  Stories
Literature (LCTGM)
Language: English
Myths and Legends of the Swahili (MS 316354a)
Na tinoa tanisa nada ban̳ara Jisu Karisito : pa zinama Roviana Popoa Solomone

Na tinoa tanisa nada ban̳ara Jisu Karisito : pa zinama Roviana Popoa Solomone  

Publication Date: 1914
Publisher: Epworth Printing & Publishing House ( Sydney )
Type: Book
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ -- Biography
Roviana language -- Texts
Spatial Coverage: Pacific Ocean -- Solomon Islands -- Western Province -- New Georgia Island
Genre: Biography
Language: Austronesian (Other)
Na tinoa tanisa nada ban̳ara Jisu Karisito : pa zinama Roviana Popoa Solomone
Pangadaranna puang Jesu dao tantete

Pangadaranna puang Jesu dao tantete  

Publication Date: 1957
Publisher: Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia ( Djakarta )
Type: Book
Format: 31 p.
Source Institution: SOAS, Univerity of London
Subject Keyword:  Christianity
Jesus Christ
Christian life
Yesus Kristus
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Indonesia -- Jakarta
Genre: tracts
Language: Indonesian
Pangadaranna puang Jesu dao tantete


Publication Date: [1957]
Publisher: Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia ( Djakarta )
Type: Book
Format: [16 p.]
Source Institution: SOAS, Univerity of London
Subject Keyword:  Christianity
Jesus Christ
Christian life
Yesus Kristus
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Indonesia -- Jakarta
Genre: Tracts
Language: Indonesian
Utenzi wa Amun bin Kulusa na Mkewe Ramia binti Dasi (PP MS 42. S/31)

Utenzi wa Amun bin Kulusa na Mkewe Ramia binti Dasi (PP MS 42. S/31)  

Creator:  Suleiman Mohamed Suleiman Mauli ( Author, Primary )
Suleiman Mohamed Suleiman Mauli ( contributor )
Publication Date: 1964 AD (1384 A.H.)
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Swahili poetry
Religious belief
Imani za kidini
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Eastern Africa -- Swahili Coast
Genre:  Poem
Poetry (LCTGM)
Language: Swahili
Utenzi wa Amun bin Kulusa na Mkewe Ramia binti Dasi (PP MS 42. S/31)
مرآت القدس يا داستان مسيح

مرآت القدس يا داستان مسيح  

Creator:  Javier, Jerónimo, 1549-1617
Lāhūrī, ʿAbd al-Sattār ibn Qāsim
Type: Book
Format: 146 f.
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Jesuits -- History -- 16th century
Missions -- India
Jesus Christ -- Biography
یسوعیان -- تاریخ -- قرن شانزدهم
ماموریت ها -- هند
Spatial Coverage:  Asia -- Iran
Asia -- India
آسیا -- ایران
آسیا - هند
Language: Persian
مرآت القدس يا داستان مسيح


Creator:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Coxon, W. I., Miss
Chow Chih-tsen
Publication Date: 1940
Publisher:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Jesus Christ -- Resurrection
Resurrection of Jesus Christ
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 湖北 -- 武漢 -- 漢口
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China -- Hubei -- Wuhan -- Hankou
Language: Chinese


Creator:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Publication Date: 1940
Publisher:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Jesus Christ -- Crucifixion
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 湖北 -- 武漢 -- 漢口
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 湖北 -- 武汉 -- 汉口
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China -- Hubei -- Wuhan -- Hankou
Language: Chinese


Creator:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Coxon, W. I., Miss
Chow Chih-tsen
Publication Date: 1940
Publisher:  中国基督圣教书会
Religious Tract Society
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Jesus Christ -- Ascension
Ascension of Jesus Christ
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 湖北 -- 武漢 -- 漢口
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- China -- Hubei -- Wuhan -- Hankou
Language: Chinese