No. Title Date
1 Boufon du prince de valacki
2 By a concerted effort the pigeons manage to fly off while still in the net.
3 Caziasker [kazasker], ou grand-juge de la Romélie
4 Courier des [?] de Valachie
5 Description of the final battle between the Filanis and the men of Kabe together with Haniba's song of victory, composed on the spot
6 Diagram showing the compass points of various places in the Ottoman Empire
7 Hungry fox looks up to see the kite carrying off the piece of skin.
8 Interview with Nimeh Al-Habashna
9 Life and exploits of Shiva̓ji
10 Members of the Bhopal Family with Captain Mittu Khan
11 Skip Navigation Links.
12 Nawab Nazir-Ud-Daulah Umrao Dulah Baki Mahomed Khan, 1794-1857
13 A Pilgrimage to Mecca
14 Skip Navigation Links.
15 Prime Minister
16 Prime Minister, The Begum, [and] Second Minister
17 The Sasanian era
18 Shah Jehan Begum
19 Sikandar Begum
20 Sultan Jehan Begum [and] Shah Jehan Begum