No. Title Date
1 Photograph, buildings with curved rooftops
2 Stone causeway at Longmien (Image number B.015, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
3 Road near Khonoma (Image number O.011, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
4 Trucks being dug out of the main road which had subsided during the rains
5 三岔口戲劇
6 With Tibet routes down, China goods to come via Kolkata
7 Nationalism and its discontents : Challenge of national integration grows as political power becomes centralised and decisionmaking opaque
8 Photograph, hills topped with mansions, some terracing and paths
9 Photograph, a man carrying something along a path lined with trees by a field
10 Beyond the valley : In the aftermath of the quake, there is a need to follow the people, not just the flattened buildings
11 Men traveling on a forest path
12 Porter on a forest path
13 Men traveling on a sandy road
14 Nepal earthquake : Post disaster needs assessment
15 On the Bama Road, Borno State, Nigeria
16 Road (Image number F.002, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
17 Path to Ungma with pool (Image number K.014, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
18 New road through cliffs
19 Settlement on a precarious hillside
20 Road damages the foundations of an under construction house