No. Title Date
1 Hamziyya : (MS 53823 and MS 380931)
2 [Letter from Octaires Murray Browne to William Hichens, dated 11 August 1936]
3 [Letter from Colonel D.M.F. Hoysted to William Hichens, dated 4 August 1936]
4 [Letter from Colonel D.M.F. Hoysted to William Hichens, dated 27 July 1936]
5 [Letter from the British Museum to William Hichens, dated 13 August 1936]
6 Collection of Kimai (MS 380059a)
7 Collection of Wawe (MS 380059d)
8 Makame na Midhe (MS 380059b)
9 Mke na Mume (MS 380059c)
10 Profilo Storico del Kiswahili (MS 380539a)
11 Fragment of Wawe ya Taamali and partial explanation of the wawe (MS 380560b)
12 Injilka qodusah e 'Isa Kristos rabbigena : O badrinta iyo Kristanka Somalied e missionka Berbera (ilama sannadi 1910) 'Vulgate' kaga rogen af Somali
13 Taariikhdii Daraawiishta iyo Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan (1895-1921)