No. Title Date
1 A grammar of the Mpongwe language, with vocabularies
2 The gospel according to Matthew in the Mpongwe language
3 The epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude, translated into the Mpongwe language
4 Photograph album relating to Big Batanga [Grand Batanga, Cameroon] and wider West Africa (MS 381151)
5 Photograph album relating to Big Batanga [Grand Batanga, Cameroon] and wider West Africa (MS 381151)
6 Photograph album relating to Big Batanga [Grand Batanga, Cameroon] and wider West Africa (MS 381151)
7 Photograph album relating to Big Batanga [Grand Batanga, Cameroon] and wider West Africa (MS 381151)
8 Photograph album relating to Big Batanga [Grand Batanga, Cameroon] and wider West Africa (MS 381151)
9 A scripture catechism, and Bible teachings in the Mopongwe language