No. Title Date
81 Chefoo Foreshore questions : [transcription of a]China newspaper cutting, Sep. 24th 1896
82 Skip Navigation Links.
83 Chefoo magazine
84 Chefoo magazine : [alumni magazine]
85 Skip Navigation Links.
86 Chi-an or Chi-chon ware, "leaf temmoku" bowl
87 Chi-an or Chi-chon ware, black and yellowish brown glaze
88 Chief Ranger, Imanpo (sic, Emanpo), Matsiochie Forest. 18th December 1912.
89 Chien ware
90 Chien ware bowl with bound gold
91 Chien ware bowl with bound gold
92 Chien ware bowl with iridescent blue spotting
93 Chien ware bowl with oil-sport type glaze and gold rim
94 Skip Navigation Links.
95 China
96 China : the landscape
97 China : remnants of revolution
98 China : return to two addresses of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 3 August 1843; for extract of any letter or despatch from Lord Auckland, Governor-General of India in 1841, proposing to send reinforcements, naval and military, from India to China; with the date at which such letter or despatch was received in London and extract of the answer sent thereto; - returns of regiments or detachments, native or British, sent from India or from the United Kingdom to China in 1841 and 1842; stating the dates of their departures from their respective stations, and the dates of their arrival at the places in China to which they were sent, together with the names of those places; and, of the ships of war dent from India and from the United Kingdom to China in 1841 and 1842 (stating, with regard to those sent from the United Kingdom, the dates when they were put in commission, and the dates when they were reported fit for sea); together with the dates of their depature for China, and the dates of their arrival at their respective stations in China, and the names of those stations
99 China : an estimate of the sum required to be voted in the year 1842, on account of the expenses of the expedition to China
100 China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 30 May 1853; for, return "of property captured or detained by the combined forces in China, from the 25th day of August 1841, showing the actual amount of money in British sterling received, and in what manner disposed of; with the amount paid as batta, or on any other account, to the naval and military forces employed during the service"