No. Title Date
1 Manding Conference 1972 : report and recommendations
2 Manding and Susu loanwords in Temne
3 The Diakhanke and the Ummah al-Muhammadiyah : a preliminary study in the clerical and eductional role of the Diakhanke
4 The Mande trade in Costa da Mina according to Portuguese documents until the mid-sixteenth century
5 The Muslim eduction of an African child : stresses and tensions
6 The origins and dispersion of the Diakhanke : an introductory study
7 The story of Kaabu : Its extent
8 Observations sur l'histoire manding
9 Documentation concernant les Manding
10 Commerce et Prédation : l'état Bambara de Ségou et ses communautés marka
11 The age of Mansa Musa of Mali : problems in succession, chronology and islamization
12 Aux confins du monde malinké : le royaume du Kasa (Casmance)
13 Masquerades among the urban Dyula of the Voltaic basin
14 Aspects of prosody in west African poetry
15 Existe-t-il un type d'habitat spécifiquement mandé?
16 Les cartes ethnodémographiques de l'Afrique occidentales
17 The syntax and semantics of possession in Bambara
18 Introduction à l'histoire des Mandingues de l'Ouest : l'empire de Kabou (XVIè - XIXè siècle)
19 Tradition orale et littérature malienne
20 A griot's self-portrait : the origins and role of the griot in Mandinka society as seen from stories told by Gambian griots