No. Title Date
1 Al-Inkishafi (MS 373) : Selected Text with Audio
2 Skip Navigation Links.
3 Collection of Kimai (MS 380059a)
4 Collection of Wawe (MS 380059d)
5 Dua (MS 380548e)
6 Language and Culture-Book (PP MS 42. SL/5-SL/6)
7 Language Teaching and Education (PP MS 42. SL/37-SL/41)
8 Makame na Midhe (MS 380059b)
9 Mashairi ya Liyongo (MS 380548c)
10 Mashairi ya Zamani (MS 380548d)
11 Mke na Mume (MS 380059c)
12 Political material-Papers (PP MS 42. SL/25-SL/30)
13 Swahili teaching-Report and Survey (PP MS 42. SL/42-SL/48)
14 Utenzi wa Mwana Kupona (MS 380548b)