Al-Inkishafi (MS 373)

Material Information

Al-Inkishafi (MS 373) Selected Text with Audio
Series Title:
Hichens Collection
Alternate title:
al- Inkishafi ((MS 380548a)
Abdallah ibn ʻAlī ibn Nāṣir ( Author, primary )
Abdalla ba Sheikh ( Scribe )
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )


Subjects / Keywords:
Swahili poetry
Religious beliefs
Kiswahili mashairi
Imani za kidini
Faith ( FAST )
Poetry (Utenzi)
Utenzi (poetic form)
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Kenya -- Lamu -- Pate -- Pate Island
-2.13753 x 40.99714


Scope and Content:
This copy of Al-Inkishafi was collected by Hichens in the 1930s. The collector refers to it as an original copy, but this cannot be certain. It is certainly a beautiful and well-preserved manuscript of the famous poem written by Sayyd Abdalla bin Nassir. The pages of the poem in Arabic script are inserted in an outsized hard paper so as to protect this very old copy. The collector has used the blank spaces on the side for his notes on the poem, unfortunately unreadable. This arabic script copy has transliteration and notes in MS 253029.
General Note:
Incipit: Bismillahi naiqadimu, Hali ya kutunga hino nudhumu, na Ar-Rahmani kiirasimu basi Ar-Rahimi nyuma ikaye
General Note:
Mistari ya kwanza ya hati: Bismillahi naiqadimu, Hali ya kutunga hino nudhumu, na Ar-Rahmani kiirasimu basi Ar-Rahimi nyuma ikaye
General Note:
Abdallah ibn ʻAlī ibn Nāṣir = Sayyid Abdallah Ali bin Nasir
General Note:
Manuscript dates from circa 1930 A.D. (Gregorian calendar) = circa 1349 A.H. (Hijri calendar)
General Note:
Composition dates from circa 1820 A.D. (Gregorian calendar) = circa 1235 A.H. (Hijri calendar). This manuscript is dated to 1967 (1387 A.H.)
General Note:
Handwritten manuscript, in blue ink, on ruled paper
General Note:
Swahili text inscribed in Arabic script
General Note:
Relevant Dialect: Kiamu
General Note:
Biographical history: The author of the famous poem Al-Inkishafi is generally agreed to have been Sayyid Abdalla bin Sayyid Ali bin Nasir.His father, Ali bin Nasir, was the great grandson of Sheikh Abubakar bin Salim, mentioned in a version of the Pate Chronicle as a Sharif (descendant of the Prophet) from Arabia. Sayyid Abdalla lived and composed his poetry in Pate during the 19th century.
Original Version:
Physical characteristics: original arabic scripts, inserted in an outsized hard white paper
Relevant publications: Sayyid Abdallah A. Nasir. 1972 (1939). Al-Inkishafi: The Soul's Awakening. Trans. and ed. by William Hichens. Nairobi: Oxford University Press. Sayyid Abdallah A. Nasir. 1977. Al-Inkishafi: Catechism of a Soul. Trans. and ed. by J. de Vere Allen. Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau. Hichens, W. 1939. Al-Inkishafi. London: Sheldon Press Allen R. 1946. Inkishafi-A Traslation from the Swahili. African Studies, 5, pp.243-249 Harris, L. 1962. Swahili Poetry. Clarendon Press: Oxford, pp.86-102 Mlamali, Mh. Wa. 1980. Ikisiri ya Inkishafi. Nairobi: Longman Hamza Mustafa Njozi. 1998. The use of Ambiguity in Al-Inkishafi. Afrika und Ubersee, band 81, pp. 227-238.
General Note:
See also SOAS manuscripts MS 380548a, MS 256191, MS 253029, MS 196884d
Digitised with funding from the Leverhulme Trust.
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Abdallah ibn ʻAlī ibn Nāṣir : URI
General Note:
Abdallah ibn ʻAlī ibn Nāṣir is also known as Sayyid Abdallah Ali bin Nasir
General Note:
This manuscript of Al-Inkishafi contains 77 stanzas. In a note following the poem, the scribe incorrectly identifies Omari bin Amin as its author. In fact, Omari bin Amin composed the poem known as Wajiwaji, which is similar in form to Al-Inkishafi. The date of composition provided by the scribe is also apparently erroneous.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Holding Location:
Archives and Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Resource Identifier:
MS 47770 ( soas manuscript number )
MS 380548a ( soas manuscript number )

Full Text

Item Reference: MS 47770a
Collection: Hichens Collection
File Reference: MS 47770
Title: Al-Inkishafi
First lines of manuscript: Bismillahi naiqadimu, Hali ya kutunga hino nudhumu, na Ar-Rahmani kiirasimu basi Ar-Rahimi nyuma ikaye
Authors: Sayyid Abdallah Ali bin Nasir
Scribe: Unknown
AD Date: c. 1930
AD date of composition: c. 1820
AH Date: c. 1349
AH date of composition: c. 1235
Extent: 10 large leaves 10 large leaves
Resource Type: Poem
Poetic Form: Utenzi
Format: Handwritten manuscript
Language: Swahili
Script: Arabic
Relevant Dialects: Kiamu
Subject and keywords: Swahili poetry, Islam, religious belief
Biographical history: The author of the famous poem Al-Inkishafi is generally agreed to have been Sayyid Abdalla bin Sayyid Ali bin Nasir.His father, Ali bin Nasir, was the great grandson of Sheikh Abubakar bin Salim, mentioned in a version of the Pate Chronicle as a Sharif (descendant of the Prophet) from Arabia. Sayyid Abdalla lived and composed his poetry in Pate during the 19th century.
Archival history:
Physical characteristics: original arabic scripts, inserted in an outsized hard white paper
Electronic reproductions: None
Existence/location of copies: None
Finding aids: None
Relevant publications: Sayyid Abdallah A. Nasir. 1972 (1939). Al-Inkishafi: The Soul's Awakening. Trans. and ed. by William Hichens. Nairobi: Oxford University Press. Sayyid Abdallah A. Nasir. 1977. Al-Inkishafi: Catechism of a Soul. Trans. and ed. by J. de Vere Allen. Nairobi: East African Literature Bureau. Hichens, W. 1939. Al-Inkishafi. London: Sheldon Press Allen R. 1946. Inkishafi-A Traslation from the Swahili. African Studies, 5, pp.243-249 Harris, L. 1962. Swahili Poetry. Clarendon Press: Oxford, pp.86-102 Mlamali, Mh. Wa. 1980. Ikisiri ya Inkishafi. Nairobi: Longman Hamza Mustafa Njozi. 1998. The use of Ambiguity in Al-Inkishafi. Afrika und Ubersee, band 81, pp. 227-238.
Notes: See also MS 380548a, MS 256191, MS 253029, MS 196884d
Scope and content: This copy of Al-Inkishafi was collected by Hichens in the 1930s. The collector refers to it as an original copy, but this cannot be certain. It is certainly a beautiful and well-preserved manuscript of the famous poem written by Sayyd Abdalla bin Nassir. The pages of the poem in Arabic script are inserted in an outsized hard paper so as to protect this very old copy. The collector has used the blank spaces on the side for his notes on the poem, unfortunately unreadable. This arabic script copy has transliteration and notes in MS 253029.
Description 0.
Location: None
Places: Pate