No. Title Date
1 Alexandri Magni Macedonia Expeditio by Abraham Ortelius accompanied by a text with same title on the reverse (MCA/01/02/01/13)
2 Description de la Tartarie tirée en partie de plusieurs cartes, que en ont esté faictes en partie de diuerses relations et de divers autheurs arabes qui nt esté au iour iusques a present par le S. Sanson d'Abbeville geographe ord're du Roy
3 Persaru[m] sive Parthorum Imperium in Duo de Viginti Regna [Persia or the Parthian Empire in twenty two realms] by Nicolas Sanson and Ch Galliar engraved by Jean l'Huillier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/01/23)
4 Plan exact de Gomron ou du Bandar Abassi de L'Isle d'Ormus et des Isles voisines [An exact plan of Gomron or Bandar Abbasi, the Island of Hormuz and neighbouring islands] by Jean Baptiste Tavernier and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/04/05)
5 Theatrum Historicum ad annum Christi quadringentesimu in quo tu Imperii Romani tu Barbororum circuminlentium status ob oculos ponitor Pars Orientalis by Guillelmo [Guillaume] Delisle engraved by F Des Rosiers and published in Paris (MCA/01/02/01/11)
6 La Ville de Derbendt en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre vander Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/03/01)
7 La Ville de Scamachie en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre vander Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/03/02)
8 Nouvelle carte de la province de Kilan [Gilan] en Perse by Adam Olearius published in Leiden by Pierre Van der Aa (Pieter van der Aa) (MCA/01/02/02/05)
9 Imperii Persici delineatio ex scriptis Potissimum Geographicis Arabum et Persarum Tentata ab Petrum Schenk Amsterdami [The Persian Empire drawn...]published in Amsterdam by Petrus Schenk II based on his father's 1705 map (MCA/01/01/03/17)
10 Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle) and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)
11 Carte Marine de la Mer Caspiene levee suivant les ordres de S M Czariene [Marine chart of the Caspian Sea drawn up following the orders of His Majesty the Czar] par Mr Carl Vanverden by Guillaume Delisle (De Lisle) and published in Amsterdam by Reinier Ottens (MCA/01/02/03/04)
12 Carte de Perse dresse pour l'usage du Roy [Map of Persia drawn up for the use of the King] by Guillaume Delisle engraved by J Stemmers and P Starkman and published in Paris (MCA/01/01/04/08)
13 Provinciarum Persicarum Kilaniae [The Persian province of Gilan] Chirvaniae Dagestaniae aliarumque vicinarum regionorum partium Nova Geographica Tabula by Johan Baptist Homann published in Nuremberg (MCA/01/02/02/06)
14 Muraqqa' : A concertina album of calligraphic specimens with illuminated borders
15 Muraqqa' : covers (exemplar)
16 Muraqqa' : covers (exemplar)
17 Antiquorum Imperiorum Tabula in quae prae caeteris Macedonicum seu Alexandri Magni Imperium et Expeditiones exarantur [Ancient map showing, above all else, the expeditions of Alexander the Great] by the Royal Geographer Didier Robert de Vaugondy (MCA/01/02/01/16)
18 A Plain chart of the Caspian Sea, According to the Observations of Capt John Elton, Author of Elton's Quadrant & Thomas Woodroofe Master of the British ships Empress of Russia who Navigated this Sea three years, Presented to Mr Jonas Hanway of St Petersburg in 1745 by his most Obedient Servant Thomas Woodroofe (MCA/01/02/03/07)
19 Etats de Grand-Siegneur en Asie, Empire de Perse, Pays des Usbecs, Arabie et Egypte [Countries of the Ottoman Emperor in Asia, the Persian Empire and the country of the Uzbeks, Arabia and Egypt] by mapmaker Didier Robert de Vaugondy and published in Paris (MCA/01/01/04/10)
20 Geographia antiqua : Being a complete sett of maps, of antient geography, beautifully engraved from cellarius. On thirty-three copper-plates. Designed for the use of schools, and of gentlemen who make the antient writers their delight or study