No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
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4 A catalogue of books dealing with the Ainu in the Library of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London
5 Skip Navigation Links.
6 Description de la Tartarie tirée en partie de plusieurs cartes, que en ont esté faictes en partie de diuerses relations et de divers autheurs arabes qui nt esté au iour iusques a present par le S. Sanson d'Abbeville geographe ord're du Roy
7 English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies
8 Hedgeland Photograph Album : Second album
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13 Letter from H. Olshausen to the London Missionary Society, 1825 March 8
14 Letter from John Paterson to Rev.d Dr. Wardlaw, Glasgow, 1825 August 5
15 Mathias Alexander Castren, travels in the north containing a journey in Lapland in 1838; journey in russian Karelia in 1839; journey in Lapland, northern Russia, and Siberiam in 1841-44. Translated into German (from the Swedish), by Henrik Helms Leipzig, Avenarius and Medelsohn. 1853 : [review]
16 My life in Siberia and Mongolia : from the great wall of China to the Ural Mountains
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20 Photograph captioned 'London to Shanghai via Siberia March 1913'