No. Title Date
1 Carte de Visite of Khama, Upper Norwood, 1895
2 Khama and his headmen
3 Khama, Chief of the Bamangwato (1872-1923), Bechuanalanad Protectorate and London Missionary Society Treasurer, Sir Albert Spicer, at Khama’s capital, Serowe in 1907
4 Photograph of five suited African gentleman – Khama, Bathoen, Sebele, 1895
5 Photograph of Khama and a young English boy
6 Photograph of Khama III and his wife ‘Ma Bessie’
7 Plaque made of Khama Chief of the Bamangwato, a Christian statesman …
8 Te toka n Aberika ae batabata : te kaotioti are konaki ni karaoaki irouia roroña ma rorobuaka ni kaoti b'ai tabeua mani maiuni Khama