No. Title Date
1 Boy playing gongs on the platform of Thepong morung
2 Boys beating a gong at Thepang morung
3 Head hornbills dance at Tamlu in front of a morung
4 Man in front of a morung beating gong
5 Photograph captioned 'Kailan Mining Administration Tientsin'
6 Photograph, the Empress Dowager Cixi and others, Beihai Park, Peking [Beijing]
7 Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman; making revolution depends on Mao Tsetung thought
8 Wakching men accompanying the head to Wakching
9 大海航行靠舵手干革命靠毛洚东思想
10 姜太公在北目無禁忌道符
11 新刻山海經全圖