No. Title Date
1 Arabic manuscripts in the Yale University Library
2 Finding books in the Library & beyond
3 Finding journals in the Library & beyond
4 Library catalogue guide
5 Bibliothecae Bodleianae codicum manuscriptorum orientalium videlicet Heraicorum, Chaldaicorum, Syriacorum, Aethiopicorum, Arabicorum, Persicorum, Turcicorum, Copticorumque catalogus, ...
6 Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur : partem secundam codices Arabicos amplectentem
7 Handlist of the manuscripts in South Asian languages in the Library
8 Catalogue of the Morrison collection of Chinese books : Malixun cang shu shu mu
9 Handlist of the photograph collection of the China Inland Mission