No. Title Date
1 Shah of Persia, by order of Shafi Khan
2 Indo-European telegraph : Landing the cable in the mud at Fao, Persian Gulf
3 Indo-European telegraph : Elphinstone inlet, Persian Gulf, with a view of the fort.
4 A Pilgrimage to Mecca
5 Visit of the Shah: Garden party at Chiswick, given by the Prince and Princess of Wales
6 Queen and the Shah of Persia at the review in Windsor great park
7 Shah in Paris: Reception at the Arc de Triomphe by the Prefect of the Seine and municipal council
8 Mouzaffer-Ed-Din, second son of the Shah, and heir presumtive
9 His Imperial Majesty Nasar-Ed-Din, the Shah of Persia, now visiting England for the second time
10 New Shah of Persia, his majesty Muzafer-Ed-Din
11 Babylonian story of the deluge and the epic of Gilgamish : with an account of the royal libraries of Nineveh
12 [Letter from Octaires Murray Browne to William Hichens, dated 11 August 1936]
13 [Letter from Colonel D.M.F. Hoysted to William Hichens, dated 4 August 1936]
14 [Letter from Colonel D.M.F. Hoysted to William Hichens, dated 27 July 1936]
15 [Letter from the British Museum to William Hichens, dated 13 August 1936]
16 Freedom fighter : central organ of the Algerian National Liberation Front [special issue]
17 Munyat al-Murid
18 Mombasa Chronicle (MS 373394)
19 دعائم الاسلام في الحلال والحرام والقضايا والاحكام عن اهل بيت رسول الله
20 شرح قصیدۀ عینیۀ حمیری