No. Title Date
1 گنج الگنج : نصر بن احمد
2 Batîs Pûtrîka : translated into English from the Telinga language [i.e. from a Telugu version of the 'Dvatrimsat-puttalika' or 'Tales of the Thirty-two Images']
3 حكاية ابو شامه
4 Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500-1750 N. CH
5 Die Afrika-Literatur in der Zeit von 1500-1750 N. CH
6 The Nasr-i-Benazir, or the incomparable prose of Mīr Ḥasan
7 Paradiso of Dante Alighieri
8 Srîkaṇṭacharita : with the commentary of Jonarâja
9 Bible in Spain or the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the scriptures in the Peninsula
10 Dăftarrèpon koe-boekoe bhăsa Madhoeră, kalowaran Balai Poestaka Weltevreden : mabi katrangan dă-pandă' băb èssè sareng panta'-annèpon, polè katrangan laèn-laèn sè parlo : daftar sè kapèng VII
11 Le poète tibétain Milarépa : ses crimes, ses épreuves, son Nirvāna
12 猛虎集
13 भारत-भारती
14 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
15 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
16 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
17 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
18 Romēwo-nna Žulyēt
19 Ēretrā kuri, edmē la-Tafari
20 Ēretrā kuri, edmē la-Tafari