No. Title Date
1 Act for constituting a corporation, for better ordering and managing the police of the town and parish of Kingston, and for other purposes relative to the parish of Kingston, with proper and adequate powers; as confirmed by his Majesty in Council, the 28th June 1802
2 Act to prevent preaching by persons not duly qualified by law
3 Act to prevent preaching by persons not duly qualified by law
4 Act to prevent preaching by persons not duly qualified by law
5 Act to legalize, register, and confirm marriages by dissenters and other ministers not connected with the established church : passed the legislature, April 11, 1840
6 The Damathat, or the laws of Menoo, translated from the Burmese
7 Passengers acts of the Imperial Parliament, including such acts of this island of Jamaica, relating to immigration — emigration, and aliens, as are in force in the year 1852
8 Immigrants and liberated Africans
9 Immigrants and liberated Africans
10 Trial of Muhammad Bahadur Shah, Titular King of Delhi, and of Mogul Beg, and Hajee, all of Delhi, for rebellion against the British Government, and murder of Europeans during 1857
11 The Damathat, or the laws of Menoo, translated from the Burmese
12 Index to the Damathat or Laws of Menoo
13 မနုသာရရွှေမျည်းဓမ္မသတ်
14 The Jardine Prize : an essay on the sources and development of Burmese law from the era of the first introduction of the Indian law to the time of the British occupation of Pegu, with text and translation of King Wagaru's Manu dhammasattham
15 Manu dhammasattham : text, translation and notes
16 The Damathat, or the laws of Menoo, translated from the Burmese
17 Treaties between the empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc.
18 Report of the Royal Commission upon decentralization in India [and] minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission upon decentralization : presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of his Majesty
19 Report of the Royal Commission upon decentralization in India [and] minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission upon decentralization : presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of his Majesty
20 Report of the Royal Commission upon decentralization in India [and] minutes of evidence taken before the Royal Commission upon decentralization : presented to both houses of Parliament by Command of his Majesty