Chinese emigration : the Cuba Commission : Report of the Commission sent by China to ascertain the condition of Chinese coolies in Cuba |
Creator: | |
China Tsung li ko kuo shih wu ya men. China. Hai guan zong shui wu si shu.
Publication Date: | | 1876 |
Publisher: | | Imperial Maritime Customs Press ( Shanghai ) |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 236 p. ; 28 cm. |
Source Institution: | | SOAS, University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
Chinese -- Cuba -- History Contract labor -- Cuba Cuba -- Emigration and immigration -- History China -- Emigration and immigration -- History Slavery
Spatial Coverage: | |
North America -- Cuba América del Norte -- Cuba Amérique du Nord -- Cuba 北美 -- 古巴 北米 -- キューバ
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | English |
Chinese emigration : the Cuba Commission : Report of the Commission sent by China to ascertain the condition of Chinese coolies in Cuba ( 2 volumes ) |
Correspondence respecting the Macao coolie trade |
Creator: | |
Great Britain. Foreign Office. Great Britain. Parliament. ( contributor )
Publication Date: | | 1874 |
Publisher: | | Printed by Harrison and Sons |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS, University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
Foreign workers, Chinese Unskilled labor Emigration and immigration Commerce 亞洲 -- 澳門
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Macau |
Correspondence respecting the Macao coolie trade |
Correspondence respecting the Macao coolie trade, and the steamer "Fatchoy." |
Creator: | |
Great Britain. Foreign Office. Great Britain. Parliament. ( contributor )
Publication Date: | | 1873 |
Publisher: | | Printed by Harrison and Sons |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | SOAS, University of London |
Subject Keyword: | |
Foreign workers, Chinese Unskilled labor Emigration and immigration Commerce 亞洲 -- 澳門
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- Macau |
Correspondence respecting the Macao coolie trade, and the steamer "Fatchoy." |
努力家庭手工業 |
Publication Date: | | [n.d.] |
Publisher: | | 商務印書館有限公司 = 商务印书馆有限公司 = Commercial Press |
Type: | | Photograph |
Source Institution: | | SOAS University of London |
Holding Location: | | Special Collections |
Subject Keyword: | |
Nationalist Chinese propaganda Propaganda, Chinese Propaganda 亞洲 -- 中國 -- 上海 -- 上海中國 -- 上海 -- 上海 亚洲 -- 中国 -- 上海 -- 上海
Spatial Coverage: | | Asia -- China -- Shanghai -- Shanghai |
Language: | |
Chinese English
努力家庭手工業 |