Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  unpublished holographic manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: Yiddish
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1966 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1966 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: Yiddish
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: Yiddish
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: ???
Missing Title
Missing Title

Missing Title  

Creator:  Stencl, Abraham Nahum, 1897- ( Author, Primary )
Stencl, Abraham Nahum (1897-1983), poet ( contributor )
שטענצעל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
שטנצל, אברהם נחום, 1897-1983 ( contributor )
Publication Date: [cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publisher:  מאַנוסקריפּץ
כתבי יד
unpublished manuscript
Type: Mixed Material
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language: Yiddish
Missing Title
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]

[אומבאקאנטער מאן]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Engraver )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]

[אומבאקאנטער מאן]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Engraver )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]

[אומבאקאנטער מאן]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Engraver )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish
[אומבאקאנטער מאן]
[דוד בן-גוריון]

[דוד בן-גוריון]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Engraver )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [1969]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Ben-Gurion, David, 1886-1973
בן גוריון, דוד,‏ 86-1973‏18
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- Israel -- Jerusalem
Language:  Yiddish
[דוד בן-גוריון]
[טיפּ פון שורהּ]

[טיפּ פון שורהּ]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Typesetter )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Type and type-founding
סדר (דפוס)
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish
[טיפּ פון שורהּ]
[טיפּ פון שורהּ]

[טיפּ פון שורהּ]  

Creator:  [unknown] ( Typesetter )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Type and type-founding
סדר (דפוס)
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish
[טיפּ פון שורהּ]


Creator:  [unknown] ( Engraver )
[אַנאָנימע באַנוצערס] ( contributor )
[אלמוני] ( contributor )
Publication Date: [no date]
Publisher:  אין אויסגאבע פון ​​אברהם נחום שטענצעל
שהוזמן על ידי אברהם נחום שטנצל
commissioned by A. N. Stencl
Type: Artifact
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Subject Keyword:  Copperplates
קופּער ינגרייווינג טעלער
תחריט נחושת צלחת
Spatial Coverage: Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London
Language:  Yiddish