No. Title Date
1 Angami village gate
2 Asimo's wife and family (Image number T.056, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
3 Bamboo growing next to the bungalow
4 Bamboo poles used to catch birds
5 Boy sitting on a monolith
6 Boy with a kite-string-spindle on a stone-platforms
7 Building rice terraces below Khonoma
8 Carved and painted wooden village gate of Khonoma
9 Children and man sitting on a stone platform
10 Collection of different stone celts
11 Collection of different stone celts
12 Collection of different stone celts
13 Cows wandering through Jotsoma
14 Decayed Morung, open to the elements, only the carved centre post remains (Image number R.029, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
15 Detail of a village gate in Khonoma
16 Eastern Angami boy, Kohima (Image number N.004, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
17 Field house (Image number R.001, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
18 Field hut
19 Flooded terrace-fields near Khonoma
20 Forests and hills near Jotsoma village